February 3, 2023

Love Languages

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Love Languages

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Ever think about how the 5 love languages show up in your work + business?

Y’all, these love languages aren’t just for romance. Everyone has special quirks and nuances in the way they communicate with others — even in the professional environment.

If you’re gonna be a CEO, you almost have to be a master of communication. Without it, you won’t have boundaries. There won’t be clear expectations, and tasks end up blurring with other responsibilities that may (and may not) fall on your shoulders.

So yes, even professional relationships with our clients (as well as our relationship with the work we create for them) need these to thrive. Heck, there’s even been a book written about each love language in the workplace.

Here’s how all 5 are necessary for you to have as an online business owner these days:

Words of Affirmation

This particular love language is likely the most common in your professional relationships. I mean, it does feel crappy to work as hard as you do and never have anything to show for it. Words of affirmation are especially powerful to us service providers!

Testimonials are a popular way we attract future clients. Don’t forget to tell your clients things like “thank you” + “Great work.” At least as of today, people can’t read thoughts. Genuine compliments just give you all the right feels.

Quality Time

If you’re not carving out enough time for your clients or work, you’ll feel the burn. Always working up until the last minute or pushing back deadlines. For your clients with this love language, not feeling like an important priority can literally kill the working partnership.

When you’re working on projects for these clients or Zooming with them, you can devote your undivided attention to dedicated, strategic doses like weekly or bi-weekly meetings.

Acts of Service

When someone goes out of their way to make your life easier, that leaves a lasting impact! Time is the one thing we as humans CAN’T create. Leveraging your skills and expertise to show someone you value theirs is a priceless way to express appreciation or gratitude (and leave a lasting impression).

As a coach, I find that listening is a crucial act of service to offer my clients. Knowing that they feel heard in a nonjudgmental space helps me to understand them better and their needs for my services. For others, it might be offering an incentive or going out of their way to make sure every detail is included in their work.

Whatever act it may be, it usually won’t go unnoticed.


Like it or not, receiving a thoughtful gift can really be the thing that turns a bad day around. A lot of the time, it’s not just about WHAT you get them. It’s the care, the time, and the thought you package up with that item that really makes this shine as a love language.

Keeping your client’s email or physical address on hand to send them a small little something from time to time is a great way to show your appreciation.

Physical Touch

Even CEOs in the virtual space can see this love language in their work! You may not be able to physically touch your clients, but service providers CAN hold their clients’ businesses in two hands.

Showing them you care about their business through your work with just a little bit of TLC can be a great way to connect with clients through this love language.

How to Find Your Love Language

Ultimately, when you’re working with your clients, you want to create a signature client *experience* that sets you apart from the others in your niche. To do that, you just need to…

  1. Try to narrow down your strongest love language(s) to see how you can use them to build stronger relationships and create a customer journey that will stand out to anyone who might consider working with you.
  2. Work on strengthening those languages that might not be as prominent for you and see if you can incorporate them in ways, even if they seem small, that can make your clients feel seen and heard.

Personally, my primary love language is words of affirmation. Even in my work, I light up when someone compliments my work. It’s the BEST way to give me an instant mood booster! I also find joy and fulfillment in dedicating quality time to my clients when they work with me in the De•Coaching program.

The De•Coaching program is for coaches + service providers ready to launch and scale their online business with the support that MEANS something — and that speaks to your love language. It’s so much more than another mindset course…you’re in the right place if you’re tired of

  1. Getting a bunch of templates you’ll never use and videos you’ll never watch.
  2. One trick pony advice that just leads to even more confusion and overwhelm.
  3. Feeling gross about selling and not totally confident in your current offers.

I’m ALL about sustainable marketing and strategy that feels GOOD. Marketing that leads from your core beliefs. A strategy that always keeps your vision and values at the heart of everything you do.

THAT is what De•Coaching is all about.

The De•Coaching program will…

  1. Help you uncover the strategies you need to master social media and show up as the expert you are, confidently and with conviction.
  2. Teach you how to create magnetic content that helps your clients feel so seen, they start banging down the digital door to work with you.
  3. Embolden you to create irresistible offers backed by a sustainable marketing strategy and systems to sell those offers out!
  4. Empower you to start selling and attracting dream clients with ease.
  5. Support you with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs so you never have to feel alone in this space again.

If this is what you’ve been looking for to scale your business, head over to my website to schedule your introductory call with me today. It’s time to start feeling love in all areas of your business!

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