April 3, 2020

How To Still Feel Connected – 15 Tips For The Extroverts

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How To Still Feel Connected – 15 Tips For The Extroverts

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Hey there, extrovert! It’s your friendly introvert here. I know right now might feel a bit overwhelming. You might not be comfortable being stuck in your home. You might thrive on human interaction and are feeling very drained right now without it.

I’ll be honest – I don’t understand. I am definitely an introvert. BUT I do have some tips for helping you still feel connected right now.

What makes me qualified to give you advice when I’m an introvert?

While I may be an introvert, I do make it a point to stay connected with those close to me. Being an introvert means I sometimes can go weeks without human interaction, and I’m OK with that. I feel energized working through an online course, reading a good book, or getting lost in a new found show. But having a support system is also super important, so I force myself out of the house every so often and I make it a point to regularly interact with the folks in my life who energize me and don’t drain me.

I like to think I’m very qualified in this area. I still have friends and I’m an introvert – that’s gotta be worth something, right. Haha!

Here’s a few tips on how to stay connected when you’re forced to be home.

  1. Host a virtual happy hour: Grab a few of your friends and slide into group Google Hangout or Facebook Messenger Group. While you won’t be able to hug each other, you can still raise a glass and toast one another from a safe distance.
  2. Happy hour not your thing? Try trivia instead: Trivia is a super easy one to move virtual, and there’s many other great games that can be hosted online. There’s even apps you can install on your phone or use your video game system for.
    • Side note: You can also try a coffee date, movie night (start the movie at the same time), or hit up a virtual concert. The possibilities are endless here!
  3. Reach out as often as you need to: Don’t think of yourself as a bother to folks. As an extrovert you likely have several friends who are also extroverted – I’m sure you know who they are. Reach out! Connect! Sometimes just a simple “Hi!” is enough.
  4. Facetime your friends instead of calling: There’s something to be said about seeing someone’s face versus just hearing their voice – it’s an instant boost of human connection.
  5. Write a letter/get a penpal: Writing an old fashioned pen and paper letter is soothing and relaxing – who woulda thunk it. Plus, it gives you something to look forward to in the mail!
  6. Join Facebook Groups: Facebook Groups are an AMAZING way to stay connected, especially if you thrive on connecting with new people. In fact, I’m kicking up a Facebook Group for our Supremely You folks – you can join it here!
  7. Hop over to Reddit: If Facebook Groups aren’t your thing, maybe a subreddit is.
  8. Support your local restaurants: Many restaurants are still doing curbside and takeaway – order some food to go and help them keep their doors open. It’s an instant boost of feeling like you’re doing good for your local community.
  9. Go to a park and wave to folks from a safe distance: At the moment, safe outdoor activities might still be allowed in your area. Take advantage of this and go for a hike. You can wave to folks as you pass by each other from a safe distance.
  10. Connect with a virtual therapist: If you’re feeling depressed or need someone to talk in regards to your mental health, there are many great virtual therapists to connect with.
  11. Consider fostering: A foster pup or cat could be just the thing you need to divert your attention from feeling lonely. Plus, there’s so many animals in need of homes right now, I’m sure they’d appreciate you giving them a space!
  12. Call instead of emailing: If things start feeling really dire, pick up the phone and give that coworker a call instead of shooting them an email. Hearing another human’s voice might help.
  13. Don’t become desperate: As tempting as it is, avoid Chat Roulette. Let’s be honest – it’s all just nudity on there. And you might be feeling super desperate at this point. Please don’t resort to stooping this low!
  14. Jump on a game like the Sims: Sometimes we all need to take it back to elementary school, and games like the Sims have come a long way! You can always recreate your every day life here and it’s very low maintenance.
  15. Remember – the grocery store is NOT a hangout place: It may be super tempting to head to the grocery store since it’s just about the only thing open right now, but don’t risk it. It’s best to stay home.

Let me know – what tips do you have for staying connected while you’re forced to be home? Shout out in the comments!

Stay safe and healthy.


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